he food sherpa llc’s new composting program has now been up and running for the past two weeks! It’s off to a great start. This is a project that has been in development for a while, waiting for the “right” time for implementation!

There is a bit of history here. Growing up, my family maintained a fairly large multi-section compost bin for use in cultivating fertile soil for our garden. My mother and father were mostly in charge of maintaining this resource. On occasion, I was asked to help with the transport of smelly food scraps that were gathered in a bucket in our kitchen to the compost bins out back as a child. I won’t lie, it seemed like a pretty nasty job at the time!

Flash forward to the present, and reviving the composting tradition for the food sherpa llc has been something that has been on the radar for a while. As you might imagine, there is quite a bit of food waste produced in the form of scraps and trimmings during a given service date for one of the company’s clients. It makes sense to try to capture this waste and put it to good use.

My memories of composting at home as a child made me think this might be a process that was too involved to implement in the business:

  • Space is at a premium in a more urban environment
  • There are “pests” like squirrels and raccoons to worry about
  • The process just seemed a bit daunting in general

During a recent trip to my brother’s house over the holidays, he showed my son his composting procedure, which included a fully enclosed outdoor compost bin and even an indoor worm farm! My son is quite the environmentalist and had already started composting some yard waste in a plastic tub in the back yard. It was clear that this was a project that he would get behind.

the food sherpa llc’s new composting program was launched shortly after this visit. Food scraps are now collected in a portable bin then transferred to a 43 gallon compost drum (pictured above) at the end of each cook date. So far, the new process is working well. The decrease in waste generated during a service is significant. Plans are already in the works to utilize the resulting rich soil to pot fresh herbs used in support of client cook dates starting this spring!

All in all, it’s a win-win!


February 4, 2022